Where to Store Important Documents at Home

While you can get rid of receipts after three years, you should keep your annual tax returns forever. The IRS only has three years to conduct an audit, so once that time is up, it`s okay to throw away the rest of the documents. This list of important documents includes birth, marriage and death certificates, adoption documents, divorce decrees, citizenship records, military records, deeds, titles, wills, and stock and surety certificates. All of these items are vital and must be protected from the possibility of fire, flooding or burglary in your home. Fill a memory card case with coupons and receipts to create a portable organizer. Use alphabetical separation tabs to sort so you never have to search for a receipt again. The mini folder is easy to store in a purse – be sure to place it where you think to grab before you go shopping. Veterans must keep a copy of their DD 214 form in their safe and the documents required for military funerals. Keeping them safely in your home gives you access to your military service record at all times, and your family can arrange a military funeral if you pass away. Even if it`s not soaked, organizing the paper beast can be overwhelming. But knowing that your important documents are stored in places where they are safe, but accessible in an emergency, is worth taking the time.

A well-organized mailbox makes it easy to manage your budget and prepare important documents. Choose one with multiple stacked sections so you can organize invoices, receipts, mail, and other bank statements while taking up little office space. Label each tray so you can quickly sort the information. Whether you recently got married, had a baby, bought a car, took out a student loan, or bought a home or rental property, your pile of important documents is growing. If you decide to buy a safe or storage cabinet, consider buying one that is waterproof, fireproof, and burglary-proof. If you have created an « In case of emergency » folder for your loved ones, you must keep a copy in the « Grab and Go » bag. It already contains most of the important information about you and your family. For documents you keep at home or copies of documents in your locker, you will receive a home safe. It must be flame retardant and have a secure locking mechanism.

It`s a great reminder for everyone. You never know when your home will be hit by a natural disaster, burned or even stolen. Before you go on vacation, make a copy of your passport and keep it with you in case your passport is stolen during your trip. At home, be sure to lock the passport. When you finally keep your documents in order and safe, you will be relieved. You`ll also be proud of having done the work. For many of us who have postponed this work, it will indeed have felt like a job! A fireproof vault is a great place to store important documents, photos, and computer backups of sensitive information. There are many factors to consider, such as the level of protection provided, what you will store, costs, etc.

Keep in mind that your bank may be vulnerable to the same natural disasters as your home. For example, if your locker is in a bank at the end of the block, it will likely be flooded with your home. A rising storm surge is not necessary to avoid banks. It`s a real belt and suspender thing, but just another thing to think about. Built-in compartments in a desk or closet can be the right size for storing flying papers and other office supplies. Assign a cubby to each family member and add file sorters to corralize their documents. Having documents organized by each person is a great way to keep track of your mail and keep track of children`s journals. Only you can make the final decision on where to keep your documents. The most important thing is that you make a plan and do it. Designate a cabinet or cabinet as an important document organizer outside of your main office. Briefs boxes with stacked lids and drawers make it easy to store each family member`s papers and school projects. Stick labels on the front of each drawer or container so that each person knows which place belongs to them.

Using a monitored home security service can help protect your home and valuables from burglars, fires, and other events. Important documents that you need to access frequently, and those that aren`t difficult or expensive to replace, can usually be included in your home filing system. Some people put these documents in a safe deposit box at a bank, but this can make it difficult to access at night and on weekends when you need them at home. Some choose to purchase a safe or secure storage cabinet for these documents. Others simply keep the documents in their home filing system. A safe at home will help protect these items from people you don`t want to access your personal information, as well as from emergencies like fires or floods.